SciBle Bible

Science &

The Bible Club

The invisible things of God are clearly shown through the things that are made

Science & the Bible Club (SciBle) is a group of bible-believing scientists, students and academics who believe that Christianity and science can (and do!) work together. In many college environments, religion and science cannot be openly discussed, even though there are many bible-believing science professors & science majors. It’s a tricky thing. We created SciBle for those who want to dig deeper into how Science and the Christian Bible relate.

SciBle Bible

Science &

The Bible Club

The invisible things of God are clearly shown through the things that are made

Science & the Bible Club (SciBle) is a collection of bible-believing scientists, students and academics who believe that Christianity and science can (and do!) work together. In many college environments, religion cannot be discussed, even though there are many bible-believing professors & science majors. It’s a tricky thing. We created SciBle for those who want to dig deeper into how Science and the Christian Bible relate.

Man reading bible by water

Who We Are

SciBle was formed in 2008 at Penn State University by a group of faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students.  This group wanted to discuss the relationships between Science and the Bible, and to educate others regarding these relationships.  This remains the focus of the club.

Man reading bible by water

Who We Are

SciBle was formed in 2008 at Penn State University by a group of faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students.  This group wanted to discuss the relationships between Science and the Bible, and to educate others regarding these relationships.  This remains the focus of the club.

Upcoming Talks

COMING SOON! Check back for future updates


SciBle Speakers

Throughout the academic year we host speakers who share their views regarding Science and the Bible. Many speakers are Penn State faculty members, or those prominent in the field of science, chemistry, biochemistry, engineering and genetics.

Michael Behe smiling and holding gadget

Speakers we have had in the past:

Recorded Talks

Dr. Kate Masters

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. Michael Behe

Biochemistry – Lehigh University

Dr. Tinglu Yang

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. Joe Keiser

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. Robin Collins

Philosophy – Messiah University

Dr. Kyusun Choi

Computer Science – Penn State University

Timothy Murnane Sr.


Group Panel Featuring:

Dr. John Asbury
(Professor of Chemistry)
Dr. Kyusun Choi (Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering)
Dr. John Cimbala (Professor of Mechanical Engineering)
Dr. Will Noid (Professor of Chemistry)

Non-Recorded Talks

Mr. Ray Myers

PE – Huntingdon, PA

Dr. Charles Lowe, MD

Penn State Health – Mechanicsburg, PA

Dr. Joseph Cotruvo

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. John Asbury

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. Ken Brentner

Aerospace Eng. – Penn State University

Dr. Ken Knappenberger

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. Darrell Velegol

Chemical Eng. – Penn State University

Dr. Will Noid

Chemistry – Penn State University

Dr. Scott Lindner

BMB – Penn State University

Dr. John Cimbala

Mechanical Eng. – Penn State University

Dr. Chad DeChow

Dairy Cow Genetics – Penn State University


Book Discussions

We provide a safe space for discussions on topics involving Science and the Bible.

Books that we have read and discussed:

SciBle The Language of God by Francis Collins

The Language of God

Francis Collins

SciBle Darwin Devolves by Michael Behe

Darwin Devolves

Michael Behe

SciBle Darwins Black Box by Michael Behe

Darwin's Black Box

Michael Behe

SciBle Seven Days That Divide The World book by John Lennox

Seven Days That Divide The World

John Lennox

SciBle Case for a creator by Lee Strobel

The Case For A Creator

Lee Strobel

SciBle George Washington Carver Biography by Rackham Holt

The Biography of George Washington Carver

Rackham Holt


Science Shows

Science Shows With A Message

Jesus Christ frequently used examples from science and nature as analogies for spiritual matters, for example, the parable of the sower and the seed.  Similarly, we are learning how to use experiments from science and engineering to teach Biblical life lessons.  We have done presentations at the preschool, elementary school, high school, and college levels.  If you are interested in having a presentation at your school or event, then contact us with the form below:


We hold different events throughout the year that focus on developing a further understanding of the relationships between Science and the Bible. This fall we will have three SciBle talks given by college faculty members.

Upcoming Talks

COMING SOON! Check back for future updates


SciBle is an undergraduate club at Penn State University. Its purpose is to research the relationships between Science and the Bible, and to educate people regarding these relationships. It provides a unique opportunity for faculty and students to have open and honest discussions of this important topic.

Yes! Anyone may participate in SciBle activities, but only full-time Penn State students may be officers.

Ask to have your name added to the mailing list. Participate in whatever activities are of interest to you.

Contact Us

Have questions about the club?

Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you!